Corporate Financial Advisers: Accelerators of Company Growth (Executive Briefings) 电子书下载
With the globalisation of business, the contribution of financial advisers has become one of the most essential ingredients for survival, development and growth. Companies are changing their narrow strategic thinking into a cross-border approach and are turning to financial advisers to lead them into untapped new areas that can pay dividends many times over. Appointing the right corporate financial adviser is vital, yet time-pressured board directors may find it difficult to keep up with the changing nature of financial advice in a rapidly globalising world. This briefing will enable you to keep abreast of the latest strategic thinking and make the right appointment, gaining competitive advantage from the invaluable guidance that corporate financial advisers offer. It is illustrated with case studies of the major global financial advisers, accountants, international banks and multinationals. * The briefing: * is an important guide for rapidly growing small- to medium-sized enterprises seeking to enhance their growth by Mergers & Acquisitions strategies * analyses the opportunities arising from globalisation and highlight how the financial advisers can assist the multinationals in capitalising on the new trends * focuses on the world`s top financial advisers and their current and future strategies discusses the fee levels and cost structures of various financial advisers * looks at the role of financial advisers in the developed and emerging regions of the world * is a vital information source for any corporation planning an IPO * looks at the implications of global investment trends and the role of the financial advisers in channelling corporate investment into profitable areas for multinational corporations * highlights specific global strategies which may be recommended by financial advisers to the multinationals, such as offshore domiciles * examines the financial advisers` role in advising multinationals on evolving strategies for dual or multiple listings in primary and secondary stock markets
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