The Financial Times Guide to Managing Your Money: How to be better off by making better financial decisions 电子书下载
书名:The Financial Times Guide to Managing Your Money: How to be better off by making better financial decisions
If you want to be better at money management, feel more secure about your financial future and be on top of your personal finances than this is the book for you.By adopting simple, everyday techniques in eight key areas, you can develop your own personal and practical approach to money management. This will help you make better decisions about both your monthly budgeting and long-term financial planning.Because finances dont have to be boring, in an informative and entertaining style, this book will: Give you lively advice and practical examples about every aspect of money including budgeting, spending, borrowing, saving, investing and scams. Ensure you have the basics covered in a way that is most financially beneficial for you. Ensure you feel more confident about tackling many of lifes biggest financial challenges such as buying a home, buying and running a car, holidays, marriage, the expense of raising children, sickness, unemployment and other hiccups.
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