Change Management: Financial Times Briefing (Financial Times Series)

Change Management: Financial Times Briefing (Financial Times Series) 电子书下载

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书名:Change Management: Financial Times Briefing (Financial Times Series)

Change Management: Financial Times Briefing (Financial Times Series).jpg

A concise and pithy reference guide that gives senior managers and executives powerful, practical and accessible guidance on everything they need to know about change management to get the right results for their business.This book provides senior managers and executives with the powerful, coherent, practical and accessible guidance they need to drive value-adding change in their business. Encompasses what that level of management need to know, with sufficient theory, but primarily concrete guidance on achieving change. Structured in the series format of the Financial Times Briefing series, concise, pithy and to the point, these books offer:Powerful, practical advice to help executives make essential business  decisions. A concise and focused overview to give executives the crucial information they need.Special design to help busy business leaders get the knowledge they need, fast.

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