Cost Reduction and Control Best Practices: The Best Ways for a Financial Manager to Save Money

Cost Reduction and Control Best Practices: The Best Ways for a Financial Manager to Save Money 电子书下载

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书名:Cost Reduction and Control Best Practices: The Best Ways for a Financial Manager to Save Money

Cost Reduction and Control Best Practices: The Best Ways for a Financial Manager to Save Money.jpg

In a highly competitive operating environment in which we live, it is often difficult for a company to raise prices, unless it can differentiate its products and services in such a way that customers are prepared to pay a premium price. Even then it is necessary to produce the best value at optimal costs. Most companies are price takers and the only area that they have control may be their costs. This is where this book is very handy and it provides managers with effective techniques and tools that they can employ to control and manage costs. The book shows that all departments can adopt best practices to ensure that their costs structures are optimal. Other areas to target for cost control include outsourcing, rightsizing organisations, the use of consultants and elsewhere. This is an excellent book that is essential reading for all managers who need to learn the techniques, strategies and best practices in reducing costs for organisations. The author reinforces their well presented arguments, proposals and solutions with case studies and real examples that should assist managers in implementing the tips that they would have learnt.

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