100 CAD Exercises - Learn by Practicing!: Learn to design 2D and 3D Models by Practicing with these 100 CAD Exercises! 电子书下载
书名:100 CAD Exercises - Learn by Practicing!: Learn to design 2D and 3D Models by Practicing with these 100 CAD Exercises!
12CAD.com, Amazon Digital Services, Inc., 2015. — 108 р.Do you want to learn how to design 2D and 3D models in your favorite Computer Aided Design (CAD) software such as AutoCAD or SolidWorks? Look no further. We have designed 100 CAD exercises that will help you take your design skills to the next level. What`s included in the 100 CAD Exercises book?Whether you are a beginner or an expert, these CAD exercises will challenge you. The book contains 50 2D and 50 3D exercises. - Each exercise contains images of the final design and exact measurements needed to create the design.- Each exercise can be designed on any CAD software you desire. It can be done with AutoCAD, SolidWorks, CATIA, DraftSight, and many more.
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