Sport and Exercise Physiology Testing Guidelines: Volume II Exercise and Clinical Testing: The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Guide 电子书下载
书名:Sport and Exercise Physiology Testing Guidelines: Volume II Exercise and Clinical Testing: The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Guide
Sport and exercise physiologists are called upon to carry out physiological assessments that have proven validity and reliability, both in sport-specific and health-related contexts. A wide variety of test protocols have been developed and refined. This book is a comprehensive guide to these protocols and to the key issues relating to physiological testing. Volume I will cover sport-specific testing, and Volume II clinical and exercise testing. With contributions from many leading specialist physiologists, and covering a wide range of mainstream sports, special populations, and ethical, practical and methodological issues, these volumes represent an essential resource for sport-specific and clinical exercise testing in both research and applied settings. Visit the companion website at
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