Nutrition and Exercise Immunology (Nutrition in Exercise and Sport) 电子书下载
Like an army of millions ready to defend its territory, the human immune system acts as the body`s primary line of defense-a complex network of interacting cells that protects us from pathogens and other foreign substances. But many components of the immune system exhibit change after prolonged, heavy exertion, indicating that it is suppressed and stressed, albeit transiently, following prolonged endurance exercise.For marathon runners, distance swimmers and any other endurance athlete who undergoes repeated cycles of heavy exertion, a weakened immune system could lead to health complications such as respiratory infection. As a result, interest in various nutrient supplements with the potential to counter exercise-induced immunosuppression has grown.Nutrition and Exercise Immunology reviews the link between nutrition and immune function, with special application to athletic endeavor. Written by respected researchers in sports medicine and exercise immunology, this text covers topics such as carbohydrates and the immune response to prolonged exertion; protein, exercise, and immunity; and vitamins, immunity, and infection risk in athletes. It also takes a look at future directions in nutrition and exercise immunology.For sports medicine professionals, dietitians, nutritionists, exercise immunologists, as well as endurance athletes, Nutrition and Exercise Immunology provides an important and in-depth look into this exciting, new area of scientific research.
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