Exercise prescription : physiological foundations : a guide for health, sport and exercise professionals 电子书下载
书名:Exercise prescription : physiological foundations : a guide for health, sport and exercise professionals
Using research-based evidence, this text provides current rationale for the types, intensity, and duration of physical activity that may be prescribed to populations with commonly occurring chronic ailments. The relationship between the etiology of these conditions and the physiological effects of physical exercise for these groups of patients is explained. This text is ideal for students on courses encompassing health-related exercise and exercise prescription such as sports science, physical therapy and occupational therapy, as well as exercise professionals who may deal with rehabilitation of special populations. The book is also an ideal reference for fitness instructors, sports trainers, and medical professionals.In depth investigation into the growing areas of exercise prescription in relation to commonly encountered medical conditions.The book follows a consistent structure throughout, aiding the reader`s comprehension and allowing ease of reference.Contraindications are provided, as well as guidelines for effective physical activity prescriptions.The author avoids giving specific prescriptions allowing the professional to judge from the evidence at hand what is best for each individual patient. Encourages real world application of ideas presented.A detailed glossary defines and explains terminology vital and unique to this field of study.
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