A Century of Hairstyles 电子书下载
Nothing defines a person like their hairstyle - and what a century it has been for hair! Bangs, bobs, buns, beehives and bouffants have vied with pixie cuts, pin curls, perms and pageboys for ascendancy in an ever-changing parade of ladies looks and trends, and among the men weve seen Caesers, comb overs, ducktails, faux hawks, flattops, quiffs and slick backs. From the Edwardian era through the seismic changes of the 20s and 60s, and including every quirky twist hair history took on its way to the turn of the millennium, this book is a lush visual survey of a hundred years of hair styles and the great stylists of the century including Jackie Kennedys stylist Mr. Kenneth and innovators like Vidal Sassoon.
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