Building Trust in Diverse Teams: The Toolkit for Emergency Response 电子书下载
Humanitarian practitioners identify trust as one of the most important factors in launching timely and effective emergency responses. The Toolkit can be used throughout the cycle of an emergency response and features a Trust Index—to assess and measure trust within diverse teams—and 10 trust-building tools that can be selected based on what the identified team needs to repair. The tools are user-friendly with clear instructions and handouts to make preparation effortless. Additional informal trust-building activities are also included, together with the full text on CD-ROM.This Toolkit supports humanitarian practitioners, human-resource departments, and regional and head-office emergency professionals as they improve team effectiveness during an emergency—and ultimately improve their ability to save lives. The concepts and tools can also be applied to existing organizational strategies on leadership development and diversity. The Emergency Capacity Building Project is a collaborative effort by CARE International, Catholic Relief Services, the International Rescue Committee, Mercy Corps, Oxfam GB, Save the Children, and World Vision International.
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