The Genie Within: Your Subconcious Mind--How It Works and How to Use It 电子书下载
Your subconscious mind is powerful and will work for you without effort. It also works against you based on programs and concepts learned in childhood. Learn how to reprogram your mind to override these immature programs. Reprogram your mind to: Achieve goals, Become more creative, Relieve stress, Increase self confidence, and Become healthier. Learn 15 ways to tap your infinite power. These techniques work most efficiently when you understand HOW your hidden, "unconscious," mind functions, and HOW to reprogram it to become "single-minded." When you are "double-minded," that is when your conscious mind and subconscious mind have opposing concepts, your subconscious mind always wins, even if it works against your best interests. Learn to unleash this unlimited power now. Train your unconscious mind to harness this power, easily.
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