Low Oxalate Diet Cookbook: Comprehensive Guide with 200+ Recipes to Prevent Kidney Stones and Improve Overall Health and Energy levels 电子书下载
书名:Low Oxalate Diet Cookbook: Comprehensive Guide with 200+ Recipes to Prevent Kidney Stones and Improve Overall Health and Energy levels
Are you suffering from inflammation, chronic fatigue, bladder pain, joint pain, or kidney stones?Do you want to enjoy good health without subjecting yourself to a harsh diet?Have tried several diet programs with the mind of solving kidney stones issues only to discover that none worked?If you answer YES to any of the above questions; then...Keep reading!Do you know that the root cause of the above chronic conditions is oxalate-rich food? If you want to have a healthy and happy life, it is important to maintain your health. Diet plays a crucial role in keeping your mental, physical, and emotional well-being in good shape. So, if you are not on a good diet you will start experiencing different kinds of health-related conditions.Wondering what the Low Oxalate diet is about? Before going into a low oxalate diet, find out:What are oxalates? Oxalates are organic acids that can be found naturally in the human body. Our bodies have to convert minerals such as Vitamin C into Oxalate. These oxalic acids can be found in some plants, such as vegetables, leafy greens, cocoa, fruits, seeds, and nuts. These chemical compounds in the oxalate-rich foods reduce the body`s ability to absorb calcium- this may lead to the emergence of a variety of diseases such as inflammation, chronic fatigue, bladder pain, joint pain, and formation of kidney stones. If you want to combat the effects of oxalates in your body, you will need foods that are low and moderate in oxalates.The main objective of the low-oxalate diet is to make sure that the daily intake of oxalate is less than 100 mg. And if possible 50 mg to prevent kidney stones and other chronic pains in the body. You can recover from health-related conditions caused by oxalates if you religiously adhere to a low oxalate diet by making good use of the nutrients in them.In this Low Oxalate Diet Cookbook, you will discover:* Science of oxalates* Low Oxalate Food List* Moderate Oxalate food list* High oxalate food list* How do you get exposed to oxalic acid?* Who should limit oxalate?* Ways to test for kidney stones* How to control the oxalate levels* Tested and proven recipes for breakfast and drinks, main dishes, snacks, vegetables and salads, soups and stews, and dessertsAnd many more.
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