Teens, Libraries, and Social Networking: What Librarians Need to Know (Libraries Unlimited Professional Guides for Young Adult Librarians Series) 电子书下载
书名:Teens, Libraries, and Social Networking: What Librarians Need to Know (Libraries Unlimited Professional Guides for Young Adult Librarians Series)
Teens and Social Networking Now: What Librarians Need to Know is organized around ten major topics, including using social networking sites to connect teens to young adult literature, social networking and legislative issues, social networking and safety/privacy issues, and the social and educational benefits of social networking. Expert practitioners explain how such issues can and should impact library services to young adults, focusing on concrete suggestions and specific steps for best practices and program designs that will help librarians utilize social networking tools to enhance library services to teens, both online and in the library.As background, the book explores the reasons so many teens use these sites. It also shares a profile of an award-winning public library`s use of social networking to engage teen library users and a national survey of the ways YA librarians are using social networking to deliver public library services.
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