Anatomy of Violence : Understanding the Systems of Conflict and Violence in Africa

Anatomy of Violence : Understanding the Systems of Conflict and Violence in Africa 电子书下载

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书名:Anatomy of Violence : Understanding the Systems of Conflict and Violence in Africa

Anatomy of Violence : Understanding the Systems of Conflict and Violence in Africa.jpg

Violence connects people - whether directly or indirectly financing violence or by fighting the war against terror. Violent incidents are often deeply rooted in structures and systems. With a focus on Africa, this study examines three structurally interdependent conflict systems to highlight the complexities of trans boundary and trans regional conflict systems. The systemic approach to studying violence is highly suitable for courses on security, peace and conflict, political sociology and African politics. You will come away from the book with a better understanding of the underlying currents of violent conflicts and thus a clearer idea of how they might be handled.

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