Google SketchUp for Site Design: A Guide to Modeling Site Plans, Terrain and Architecture 电子书下载
I am excited to see new publications that are relating our digital design tools directly to the profession. Daniel has created an extremely valuable resource for site design professionals using Google Sketchup. The book does an excellent job setting the groundwork for using Sketchup in site design, all of the fundamentals are covered in the books introduction for new Sketchup users. I appreciate that after the introduction the book quickly gets into how to apply Sketchup to site design projects.
As an experienced Sketchup user and 3d modeler I found many parts of this book informative. It is great to understand Daniel`s modeling methodology which is broken down in well written step by step tutorials. The chapters explaining the sandbox tools and other terrain modeling methods is something that has been missing in online tutorials and other Sketchup publications. The detail available in the tutorials is amazing and will allow individuals to really understand what is happening in the software and how to apply it to their projects.
Google Sketchup for Site Design makes a significant contribution to the profession and I look forward to Daniel`s next book.
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