Challenge Gifts and Grants: 76 Ways to Multiply Your Fundraising Dollars 电子书下载
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource helps nonprofit leaders and professionals pursue challenge gifts and grants, enhance donor bases and existing donors, and discover new and creative ways to use challenge gifts. In addition to step-by-step procedures on how to secure more challenge gift and grants, examples are given of what various nonprofit organizations have successfully accomplished with challenge gifts.Important topics covered include:Setting up challenge giftsEncouraging new donorsBuilding endowment fundsFoundation perspectivesSuccessful campaignsMatching gift programsPresidential connectionsGroup challenge giftsGrant negotiationsAnnual campaignsMultipurpose challengesDonor fatigueDonor recognitionProspect identificationChallenge grant requirementsChallenge gift approachesPlease note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.Content:
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