Key to Algebra Book 6 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions 电子书下载
Too many students end their study of mathematics before ever taking an algebra course. Others attempt to study algebra, but are unprepared and cannot keep up. Key to Algebra was developed with the belief that anyone can learn basic algebra if the subject is presented in a friendly, non-threatening manner and someone is available to help when needed. Some teachers find that their students benefit by working through these books before enrolling in a regular algebra course--thus greatly enhancing their chances of success. Others use Key to Algebra as the basic text for an individualized algebra course, while still others use it as a supplement to their regular hardbound text. Allow students to work at their own pace. The Key to Algebra books are informal and self-directing. Book 6 covers Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions.Format: PaperbackPublisher: Key Curriculum Press
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