The Materiality of death: bodies, burials, beliefs 电子书下载
The materiality of death: bodies, burials, beliefs / Fredrik Fahlander & Terje Oestigaard -- Bodies. More than metaphor: approaching the human cadaver in archaeology / Liv Nilsson Stutz -- A piece of the mesolithic. Horizontal stratigraphy and bodily manipulations at Skateholm / Fredrik Fahlander -- Excavating the kings` bones: the materiality of death in practice and ethics today / Anders Kaliff & Terje Oestigaard -- From corpse to ancester: the role of tombside dining in the transformation of the body in ancient Rome / Regina Gee -- Burials. Cremations, conjecture and contextual taphonomies: material strategies during the 4th to 2nd Millennia BC in Scotland / Paul R.J. Duffy and Gavin MacGregor -- Ritual and remembrance at archaic Crustumerium. The transformations of past and modern materialities in the cemetery of Cisterna Grande
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