The Natural Guide To Building Lean Muscle 电子书下载
The Natural Guide To Building Lean Muscle: Natural Bodybuilding
"The Truth Behind How Much Muscle You Can Really Build Naturally and The Scientific Proven Methods In Which To Do It"
The Natural Guide To Building Lean Muscle from Train Natural is the ultimate tool for building lean muscle & strength. With over 250 pages of proven methodologies and information on everything related to building lean muscle. You will be hard pressed to finish this book without a comprehensive understanding of how to train, eat, think and live to maximise strength and lean muscle growth!
Featuring a science and evidence backed 14 week training and nutrition program which is completely bespoke to your individual requirements. The tools and information provided in this book will allow you to take a simple systematic approach to gaining lean muscle which for once has actually been proven to deliver results.
This Book Will Provide You With The Knowledge Too:
Optimise Your Natural Muscle Building Hormones
You will be provided with a catalogue of proven science and evidence backed methods to ramp up your sex drive, maximise muscle mass and increase you’re strength.
Understand and Utilise Proven Training Methods to Ensure Your Rate Of Lean Muscle Growth Is Increasing At Maximum Efficiency
Whether you are a seasoned lifter or brand new to the whole concept of building muscle. You will be taken through the most effective training methods and practices in extensive detail. Featuring simple diagrams, images and explanations to make the whole process as digestible as possible.
Use simple proven tools to determine how much muscle you can potentially gain, how big you can get and how long it is likely to take to get there!
Finally understand just how much muscle you can build naturally! The muscle building potential and natural genetic limit formulas featured in this book are from some of the most credible experts in the muscle and physiology space with concise accurate predictions that directly coincide with real world results.
How to plan meals to build muscle, lose fat and provide your body with the correct fuel to maximise performance in the gym.
The nutrition and diet section in this book is extensive and will show you that following a diet does not have to be as restricted as many people believe. This book will explain in detail the concepts of eating to lose fat and build muscle. Showcasing the benefits of flexible dieting you will learn that you can still eat the foods you enjoy whilst conquering your lean muscle building goals. The calorie and macro requirements featured in the book are directly tailored to your individual requirements and will provide you with a list of suggest foods, a recommended sample meal plan and some simple methods to keep you on track.
Find out once and for all what Supplements actually work! Which ones you should be using to maximise your results! And where to get them from!
This book has a complete chapter dedicated to supplementation and describes in detail the purpose of supplements and how they can help improve your training, health and gains in muscle and strength!
Learn once and for all exactly what you have to do inside and outside of the gym to build big, strong muscles. You’ll be shocked at how easy it really is once you know what you’re doing.
The key to this book is too provide the reader with knowledge which will allow them to confidently eat, train and live in a manageable way that ensures lean muscle growth is consistent and sustainable.
The book is largely catered for men, but would also be suitable for women who also have the desire to build lean muscle and strength.
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