Human performance, workload, and situational awareness measures handbook 电子书下载
Human performance measurement is the cornerstone of human factors and experimental psychology and the  Human Performance Measures Handbook has long been its foundational reference. Reflecting a wider range and scope, the second edition, newly named Human Performance, Workload, and Situational Awareness Measures Handbook, presents changes in the field and increased applications. It covers the basics of measurement and provides authoritative summaries of over 100 performance, workload, and situational awareness (SA) measures. It contains evaluations of metrics drawn from an extensive literature review and from hundreds of actual projects, grounding research with real-world applicability. The book also defines workload; provides performance, subjective, simulation, and psychological measures; and gives guidance on how to select the right workload measure. The author rounds out the coverage by presenting four types of measures for SA: subjective, observational, physiological, and measures of SA ability. What’s New Additional measures of team performance Expanded glossary includes terms added to the discipline over the last 7 years Updated information from various journals including Ergonomics and Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine The second edition of a tried-and-true resource, this handbook offers an overview of measurement issues and information on descriptions, strengths and limitations, and data requirements, as well as references for various measures. The original has proven invaluable to the field, and the new edition does the same by providing the tools required to develop, evaluate, and select systems for optimum performance, workload, and SA.
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