The Power of Charm: How to Win Anyone Over in Any Situation 电子书下载
As one of the world`s premier business consultants and personal success experts, Brian Tracy has devoted his life to helping others achieve things they never dreamed possible. Now, in his latest book, he gives readers the key they need to open any door...and get whatever they want, every time. The Power of Charm gives readers proven ways to become more captivating--and persuasive--in any situation. With his trademark directness, Tracy shows readers what charm can do, and how they can use simple methods to immediately become more charming and dramatically improve their social lives and business relationships. Readers will learn how to: * capture people`s trust and attention within the first few seconds of meeting * win the support of others who can help them achieve their goals * master body language and advanced listening techniques * sell more of their products or services * deliver powerful and engaging talks and presentations * improve their negotiation skills * get paid more and promoted faster With The Power of Charm, readers will develop greater confidence and self-esteem and learn how to naturally create rhythm and harmony with others. It`s a unique and powerful guide filled with proven techniques for making dreams come true--in business and in life!
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