Build Your Resilience: CBT, mindfulness and stress management to survive and thrive in any situation: How to Survive and Thrive in Any Situation (Teach Yourself) 电子书下载
书名:Build Your Resilience: CBT, mindfulness and stress management to survive and thrive in any situation: How to Survive and Thrive in Any Situation (Teach Yourself)
Resilience: How to Thrive and Survive in Any Situation helps you to prepare for adversity by finding healthier ways of responding to stressful thoughts and feelings. You will learn a comprehensive toolkit of effective therapeutic strategies and techniques, drawing upon innovative "mindfulness and acceptance-based" approaches to cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), combined with elements of established psychological approaches to stress prevention and management. The book also draws upon classical Stoic philosophy to provide a wider context for resilience-building.This book is a complete course in resilience training, covering everything from building long-term resilience by developing psychological flexibility, mindfulness and valued action, through specific behavioural skills such as applied relaxation, worry postponement, problem-solving, and assertiveness. Each chapter contains a self-assessment test, case study, practical exercises and reminder boxes and concludes with a reminder of the key points of the chapter (Focus Points) and a round-up of what to expect in the next (Next Step), which will whet your appetite for what`s coming and how it relates to what you`ve just read.
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