How to handle tough situations at work: a managers guide to over 100 testing situations 电子书下载
Every day of their working lives managers face situations which call upon their skills, experience and judgement in making decisions. Some of these decisions are relatively straightforward, but others are less savoury. These decisions inevitably involve people: Should I and how do I confront a poor performer? How do I counsel someone who has just had a major trauma at home? How do I cope with a bully? Can I, should I, how do I fire someone? Most books for managers shy away from the unsavoury areas of discipline and traditionally the first port of call for advice has been the HR Department. How to Handle Tough Situations tackles difficult situations at work head-on. Readers will learn how to cope with problems at work so that they stay on the right side of the law, and act in the best interests of all parties wherever possible. It contains a tools, principles and techniques to help managers handle difficult workplace situations competently and professionally.
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