Linux & Open Source Annual 2021: Everything You Need to Master Open Source Software and Operating Systems 电子书下载
书名:Linux & Open Source Annual 2021: Everything You Need to Master Open Source Software and Operating Systems
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) has become an international phenomenon in recent years. The FOSS philosophy of protecting user freedoms sets it apart from many commercial software providers. And by constantly updating and improving, it pushes the boundaries of what can be achieved with software, allowing you freedom in other ways: to create. to hack (in the tinkering sense: behave yourselves!), to explore new ways of doing things. We’ve crammed as much of the year’s exciting new information as we possibly can into this annual, including the hottest distros and FOSS for a wide range of fun and practical applications.
This collection truly is an abundance of Linux and open source knowledge, ready for you to jump right into.
So, what are you waiting for?
在此,我们恳请广大读者与我们共同监督,如发现任何不宜内容,请 点击此处 进行举报,我们会第一时间处理并下架相关内容。
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