CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide 电子书下载
Cisco networking authority Todd Lammle has completely updated this new edition to cover all of the exam objectives for the latest version of the CCNA exam. Todd`s straightforward style provides lively examples, easy-to-understand analogies, and real-world scenarios that will not only help you prepare for the exam, but also give you a solid foundation as a Cisco networking professional.Packed with updated topics that have been added to the 2007 version of the CCNA exam, this updated study guide features expanded coverage of key topic areas plus new material on switching, network address translation, and OSPF. Inside, find the complete instruction you need, including: * Full coverage of all exam objectives in a systematic approach, so you can be confident you`re getting the instruction you need for the exam * Practical hands-on exercises and labs to reinforce critical skills, * Real-world scenarios that put what you`ve learned in the context of actual job roles * Challenging review questions in each chapter to prepare you for exam day * Exam Essentials, a key feature in each chapter that identifies critical areas you must become proficient in before taking the exam
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