CCNA Portable Command Guide 电子书下载
Preparing for the CCNAR exam? Here are all the CCNA-level commands you need in one condensed, portable resource. The CCNA Portable Command Guide, Second Edition, is filled with valuable, easy-to-access information and is portable enough for use whether you`re in the server room or the equipment closet. This book has been completely updated to cover topics in the ICND1 640-822, ICND2 640-816, and CCNA 640-802 exams. Use this quick reference resource to help you memorize commands and concepts as you work to pass the CCNA exam. The guide summarizes all CCNA certification-level Cisco IOSR Software commands, keywords, command arguments, and associated prompts, providing you with tips and examples of how to apply the commands to real-world scenarios. Configuration examples throughout the book provide you with a better understanding of how these commands are used in simple network designs.
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