Losing Mariposa: The Memoir of a Compulsive Gambler 电子书下载
A blow-by-blow account of ecstasy and despair, this narrative exposes one man`s battle with compulsive gambling. It is the harrowing memoir of Doug Little`s two-year binge as a compulsive gambler-a fall from grace that made national headlines, destroyed his life, and brought him to the very gates of prison, insanity, and death. As a community leader, Little bet on a world-class casino as the economic salvation of his town while he himself was hopelessly addicted, gambling feverishly to win back the thousands of dollars he had "borrowed" from the eight bank accounts he controlled. Little confesses the despair he felt in the parking lot after his losses, and the life-threatening rides home, broke again, another $10,000 of other people`s money gone. Told in the first person from the last time Little gambled, it recounts that terrible day, hour by hour, in terms of what happened and what he was thinking and feeling.
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