Carbon-Free And Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy 电子书下载
There are some good, though hardly new, ideas here like CF lighting, improved building design, etc. But the author`s obsession against clean, reliable, economic nuclear power relegates the book to the nearest
recycle station. The focus is on CO2 reduction, altho band saturation, etc may already be lessening that threat. The author`s role in killing 8 TVA nuclear reactors prevented them from the joining the 104
useful ones that we now have. He buys the notion that erratic and costly wind and solar can replace base load power. Those 2 supply about one quad of the 100 quadrillion BTUs that we now consume annually.
Cape Wind will triple the cost of New England power. He assigns our defense costs to oil when China gets all the oil it needs without a soldier in the Middle East. His plan is a mix of mythical advanced batteries, ultra capacitors,
hydrogen, and compressed air.
DOE boss Chu just scrapped hydrogen as totally impractical. The author trashes spent nuclear fuel reprocessing when France stores the reprocessed spent fuel from 58 reactors in one large room at La Hague. His IEER website says North
Carolina could get 75% of its energy from wind and solar. That`s as likely as me winning the Power Ball. I have ordered the book, but I`ve read the download.
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