The Art of Public Speaking 电子书下载
The Art of Public Speaking 11e continues to define the art of being the best by helping today’s students become capable, responsible speakers and thinkers. With a strong focus on the practical skills of public speaking and grounded in classical and contemporary theories of rhetoric, The Art of Public Speaking offers full coverage of all major aspects of speech preparation and presentation. Utilizing the full suite of resources, students learn to internalize the principles of public speaking, build confidence through speech practice, and prepare for success in the classroom and beyond. With the new Enhanced Speech Capture in Connect Lucas, instructors now have the ability to evaluate live speeches using a customizable rubric in the classroom. Instructors may also upload speech videos on students’ behalf to create and manage true peer review assignments. With its ground-breaking adaptive learning system, Connect LucasTM also helps students “know what they know,” while guiding them to experience and learn important concepts that they need to know to succeed. With McGraw-Hill CreateTM, instructors can now customize their Lucas 11e textbook to the section level, selecting and arranging only the sections covered in the course. The new Create system will automatically repaginate and re-number chapters, sections, graphs, and illustrations, based on how the instructor chooses to arrange them. This deep level of customization guarantees that students pay only for the content covered in the course.
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