Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 8th International Conference, Kes 2004, Wellington, New Zealand, September 20-25, 2004, Proceedings, Part I 电子书下载
书名:Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 8th International Conference, Kes 2004, Wellington, New Zealand, September 20-25, 2004, Proceedings, Part I
The three-volume set LNAI 3213, LNAI 3214, and LNAI 3215 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES 2004, held in Wellington, New Zealand in September 2004.The over 450 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers present a wealth of original research results from the field of intelligent information processing in the broadest sense; among the areas covered are artificial intelligence, computational intelligence, cognitive technologies, soft computing, data mining, knowledge processing, various new paradigms in biologically inspired computing, and applications in various domains like bioinformatics, finance, signal processing etc.
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