The Conflict and Communication Activity Book: 30 High-Impact Training Exercises for Adult Learners 电子书下载
书名:The Conflict and Communication Activity Book: 30 High-Impact Training Exercises for Adult Learners
With so many people working under extraordinary pressure, where even the best organizations experience internal conflict, training can help. The aim is to help combatants redirect their passions into team efforts towards organisation goals. The "Conflict and Communication Activity Book: 30 High-Impact Training Exercises for Adult Learners" offers trainers the exercises that have proven most effective in resolving conflict at all levels in a myriad of workplace settings. Each activity features background information to help newer trainers understand its purpose and underpinning. The activities themselves are just the beginning. Workshop agendas and instructions for breakout sessions are also featured and a special "My Workshop Starts in Five Minutes" section provides on-the-fly solutions and last-minute adjustments. The "Conflict and Communication Activity Book" is full of ready-to-use tools. Reproducible aids include flipcharts, overheads, and checklists.
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