ASA Remote Pilot • 2022 Test Prep - Study & Prepare • Pass Your Part 107 Test & Know What is Essential to Safely Operate an Unmanned Aircraft 电子书下载
书名:ASA Remote Pilot • 2022 Test Prep - Study & Prepare • Pass Your Part 107 Test & Know What is Essential to Safely Operate an Unmanned Aircraft
Flying a drone for non-hobby operations requires a Remote Pilot Certificate. You must successfully complete the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Part 107 Knowledge Exam to earn a Remote Pilot Certificate with a Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Rating. This book is your key to success. Rely on the time-proven and dependable ASA Test Prep Series to prepare for your FAA Knowledge Exam. This efficient study guide is expertly organized into chapters based on subject matter to promote understanding and aid recall. Includes instructional text and illustrations, questions, answer stems, correct answers, explanations for correct and incorrect answers, and references for further study. When you’re done studying, take practice tests with ASA’s online simulated testing program at no additional cost! Download the free CT-8080-2H Computer Testing Supplement so you will become accustomed to referring to the FAA Figures and Legends as you will during the test. This is the same book you will be issued at the testing center. Test Prep 2022: Remote Pilot - Knowledge Exam: Remote Pilot Unmanned Aircraft General-Small (UAG) [Part Number ASATPUAS22PD / ISBN 9781644251645]
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