Zur Syntax und Semantik der Nominalkomposition: Ein Versuch praktischer Anwendung der Montague-Grammatik auf die Wortbildung im Deutschen (Linguistische Arbeiten) 电子书下载
书名:Zur Syntax und Semantik der Nominalkomposition: Ein Versuch praktischer Anwendung der Montague-Grammatik auf die Wortbildung im Deutschen (Linguistische Arbeiten)
Over the past few decades, the book series Linguistische Arbeiten [Linguistic Studies], comprising over 500 volumes, has made a significant contribution to the development of linguistic theory both in Germany and internationally. The series will continue to deliver new impulses for research and maintain the central insight of linguistics that progress can only be made in acquiring new knowledge about human languages both synchronically and diachronically by closely combining empirical and theoretical analyses. To this end, we invite submission of high-quality linguistic studies from all the central areas of general linguistics and the linguistics of individual languages which address topical questions, discuss new data and advance the development of linguistic theory.
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