Picture yourself networking your home or small office: step-by-step instruction for designing, installing, and managing a wired or wireless computer network 电子书下载
书名:Picture yourself networking your home or small office: step-by-step instruction for designing, installing, and managing a wired or wireless computer network
I returned this product. It claims to be for the home or small office. Perhaps the latter, but it is absurdly over-complicated for most home installations, in my opinion. The result is that the key information, like setting wireless security settings and choosing protocols, etc, are lost in all of the minutiae. I`m sorry, but you do NOT have to plan your home network in Microsoft Project.
If you are going to do a complex, whole house installation, maybe, just maybe this book might not be too much. But if you are going to have a cable modem, a wireless router, a few desktop computers and a wirelessly connected notebook or two, with maybe a file server, this book is just unnecessary obfuscation. In my opinion, of course.
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