Boya Chinese - Elementary II - 2nd edition - 博雅汉语·初级起步篇 II 电子书下载
北京:北京大学出版社,2013年。 — 8;3;227页。 — 第二版 (北大版长期进修汉语教材)Beijing: Peking University Press, 2013. — 8, 3, 175 p. — ISBN 9787301215395Boya Chinese is compiled by a group of experienced teachers who teach Chinese as second language. It is divided into four levels: elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced. There are altogether 9 books in the set which suits the four-year college study or any short-term and long-term classes. The elementary level is in two volumes of 50 lessons for beginners and covers about 1,000 words. Finishing it will ensure the students to reach level 3 of HSK.
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