2022 CFA© Program Curriculum Level II Volume 4 Equity and Fixed Income 电子书下载
Explore this comprehensive set of up-to-date materials from the CFA Institute The 2022 CFA Program Curriculum Level II Box Set delivers efficient and world-class instruction on the Chartered Financial Analyst Program Curriculum. This multi-volume set includes the Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK) with material on all topics covered by the CFA Level II Program. Among other crucial topics, you`ll learn about: Asset valuation and the appropriate use of investment concepts in situations that analysts commonly face Quantitative analysis, economics, and financial reporting and analysis Corporate finance, equities, fixed income, derivatives, and alternative investments Perfect for anyone studying for the CFA Level II exam, as well as working CFA professionals seeking to improve their understanding of foundational and fundamental topics in the area, the 2022 CFA Program Curriculum Level II Box Set is an invaluable resource for anyone who needs an accessible, comprehensive, and authoritative reference on financial analysis.
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