2022 CFA© Program Curriculum Level III Volume 1 Behavioral Finance, Capital Market Expectations, and Asset Allocation 电子书下载
书名:2022 CFA© Program Curriculum Level III Volume 1 Behavioral Finance, Capital Market Expectations, and Asset Allocation
Prepare for success on the 2022 CFA Level III exam with the latest official CFA® Program Curriculum. The 2022 CFA Program Curriculum Level III Box Set contains all the material you need to succeed on the Level III CFA exam in 2022. This set includes the full official curriculum for Level III and is part of the larger CFA Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK). Organized to acclimate you to the exam’s heavy reliance on information synthesis and solution application regarding portfolio management and wealth planning, the Level III curriculum will help you master both calculation-based and word-based problems. This box set offers: A comprehensive Learning Ecosystem designed to take you through the entire curriculum or help you focus on areas where you need additional study time. Practice questions to assist with your recall of key terms, concepts, and formulas. Mock exams to help you become accustomed to the pace and pressure of the real-world exam. Perfect for anyone preparing for the 2022 Level III CFA exam, the 2022 CFA Program Curriculum Level III Box Set is a must-have resource for those seeking the advanced skills required to become a Chartered Financial Analyst®.
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