Oxford Picture Dictionary: English-Spanish, Ingles-Espanol 电子书下载
Content is organized within12 thematic units, including Everyday Language, People, Housing, Food and Recreation.Each unit starts with anIntro page(new to this edition) and ends with a story page, with single or double-page sub-topics introducing new words in a realistic visual context and easy-to-learn "chunks."The target new vocabularyis listed and simple practice activities help students put their new words into practice.Story pagesincludepre-readingquestions to build previewing and predicting skills andpost-readingquestions androle-playactivities to support critical thinking and to encourage students to use the new language they have learned.Rich visual contexts recycle words from the unit. This structure is designed to address the needs of multilevel classrooms.Supporting components include more guidance on this topic as well as assessing needs and lesson planning. (available in English only).
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