Teach Yourself TCP-IP in 14 Days 电子书下载
A good introductory tutorial on the gateway and routing protocols of the Internet. Overviews open systems, standards, and application of protocols in various environments (Windows, DOS, UNIX, etc..). Covers IP versions, headers, datagrams, ports, connections, and sockets. Discusses routing technologies and daemons. Explains networks, Telent, ftp, and TCP/IP services. Shows how to set up a sample network client/server. Explains Domain Name Services (DNS), the Network File System (NFS), and the Network Information Service (NIS). Concludes with management and troubleshooting concepts and a discussion of the socket programming interface. Examines the family of Transmission Control and Internet Protocols (TCP/IP) with sufficient detail and balance to give a good grasp of the overall technology (without the overwhelming arcane technological and programming details).
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