Linux TCP-IP Stack. Networking for Embedded Systems 电子书下载
Take A Detailed Tour of the Linux TCP/IP Stack! The Linux TCP/IP Stack: Networking for Embedded Systems provides an in-depth guide to implementing and using the Linux TCP/IP stack in embedded systems projects. It begins with a general overview of TCP/IP networking, with background information on applicable networking standards. From there, it details the TCP/IP implementation in Linux 2.6 by following a packet of data as it flows through the stack from the sending system, out the wire, and back through the input side of the stack in the receiving machine. This unique approach gives programmers an "inside" look at the entire process. Throughout the text, topics of particular interest to engineers implementing embedded systems are discussed, such as sockets, network interfaces, application layer protocols, and practical considerations. This is a great resource for embedded systems programmers and engineers, as well as networking professionals interested in learning more about the implementation of Linux TCP/IP in the 2.6 kernel. KEY FEATURES * Discusses key topics for embedded systems such as real-time requirements, the Linux IPv6 implementation, and how Linux TCP/IP is interfaced to diverse drivers and protocols * Provides embedded systems engineers, protocol writers, network device driver writers, and others interested in Linux networking with an in-depth guide to how TCP/IP works * Answers detailed networking questions by focusing on the internal operations and structure of the Linux TCP/IP stack—not just applications programming On the CD! * Linux Sources - Includes the sources discussed in the book from the 2.6.0-test10 revision of the Linux kernel * Requests for Comment (RFCs) - Includes copies of all the RFCs that are referenced in the book SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS PC and Windows: CD-ROM drive; Windows 98 or later; Cygwin is recommended; network interface; 64 MB RAM, 60 MB of disk space; mouse or compatible pointing device; Web browser; monitor; a text and programming editor is recommended for browsing the source files in the book; Linux: For x86 architectures; Red Hat 7.0 or later or compatible Linux distribution; CD-ROM drive.
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