Feed the Belly: The Pregnant Moms Healthy Eating Guide 电子书下载
"Feed the Belly is overdue! If you are pregnant or living with someone who is, you will find this book to be invaluable to the pregnancy. It has knowledgeable information, great anecdotes, recipes and tips for navigating the challenges and surprises of pregnancy. Feed the Belly can help in creating a happier, healthier journey for the whole family." —Cat Cora, the first female Iron Chef and author of Cooking from the Hip If you`ve got a bun in the oven... Feed the Belly is your healthy eating guidebook. The only eating guide for expectant moms that helps indulge cravings while giving baby—and mom—the essential nutrients they need, Feed the Belly offers a complete look at healthy eating for all nine months. Written by new mom and Health magazine editor and dietitian Frances Largeman-Roth, Feed the Belly covers: What to eat to get pregnant How to pick the right foods to make your baby smarter Where to get the nutrients you and your baby need Which are the safest seafood picks and when to choose organic How to choose the best fast food and easy on-the-go snacks Stay-fit secrets (yoga poses included!) Get started with a seven-day tear-out eating plan! With answers to all your pregnancy questions on nutrition, weight gain, food safety, and much more, Feed the Belly offers expectant moms something to sink their teeth into. Includes a foreword by Food Network Star Robin Miller and more than 65 easy-to-make recipes, organized by craving, including favorites from top chefs like Mark Bittman and Gale Gand
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