Pregnancy for Modern Girls: The Naked Truth About Being Pregnant 电子书下载
If you want a sugar-coated guide to pregnancy, this isn`t it! With you through every stage, the Modern Girl`s Guide to Pregnancy is a refreshing, truthful guide to nine months of scary decisions, medical jargon and life-changing events. From scans, maternity leave and common pregnancy ailments, to what labour`s really like, we tell you straight - the kind of frank, honest advice you expect from your best mate. We cover the questions that you`ll really want the answers to but may not want to ask, including: * I got really drunk in the first 3 months - will my baby be ok? * Will I need to wear big pants? * What`s an episiotomy? * Are piles inevitable? * Can I still have sex when I`m huge? Full of practical advice, this book will help waylay your fears and ensure you make the right choices for you and your baby.
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