Listen n Learn Spanish with Your Favorite Movies (Listen N Learn) 电子书下载
It’s a thumbs-up for this movie-inspired guide to learning Spanish Pop in a movie in your DVD player Turn on the Spanish soundtrack in the DVD options menu Open up Listen ‘n’ Learn Spanish with Your Favorite Movies, and relax as you learn core Spanish vocabulary and phrases It is as easy as that to learn thousands of essential Spanish terms and expressions. You follow along using the book to decipher difficult Spanish passages while watching (and listening!) to a movie’s Spanish soundtrack. Listen ‘n’ Learn Spanish with Your Favorite Movies features comprehensive language notes and translations for: “The Fox and the Hound,” “March of the Penguins,” “The Absent-Minded Professor,” “Tarzan,” “Eight Below,” “Home Alone,” “Holes,” “Rocky III,” “Eragon,” “Hoosiers,” “The Chronicles of Narnia,” “The Princess Bride,” “Anne of Green Gables,” “Finding Nemo,” “The Incredibles,” and “Mary Poppins.” These films are all family favorites and can be easily rented from Netflix or other rental stores.
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