50 Fill-in Math Word Problems: Grades 2-3: Engaging Stories for Students to Read, Fill In, Solve, and Sharpen Their Math Skills 电子书下载
书名:50 Fill-in Math Word Problems: Grades 2-3: Engaging Stories for Students to Read, Fill In, Solve, and Sharpen Their Math Skills
These funny and engaging "mad lib" worksheets give kids a fun way to practice math skills and solving word problems. Skill topics correlate to the NCTM standards and include addition, subtraction, measurement, time, patterns, algebra readiness, and lots more. They`re perfect for partner and small-group learning. For use with Grades 2-3.Bob Krech has taught grades K-4 during his 21 years of teaching, and currently teaches 2nd grade in Princeton Junction, NJ. He has worked as an assistant principal, curriculum developer, writer, and editor and is a regular workshop presenter on a variety of topics. In addition, he is a recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Bob lives in Lawrenceville, NJ with his wife and two children.
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