John Walkenbachs Favorite Excel 2010 Tips and Tricks (Mr. Spreadsheets Bookshelf) 电子书下载
Build robust Excel 2010 apps quickly and efficiently Known as "Mr. Spreadsheet," John Walkenbach`s name is synonymous with excellence in computer books that explain the complexities of various topics. With this collection of favorite Excel tips and tricks, you get a unique look at ways to make Excel 2010 more efficient than you ever imagined. Packed with easy-to-understand advice regarding all aspects of Excel, this book shares improved ways of speeding up application development with Excel and maximizing the power of Excel to create robust applications. Addresses the extensive changes to the 2010 version of Excel and shares tricks and shortcuts for making your Excel experience as successful and efficient as possible Reveals ways to deal with function arguments, create "impossible" charts, and tame the Ribbon bar Discusses absolute vs. relative references, change data entry orientation, and sort more than three columns Demonstrates ways to enter fake data for testing purposes With John Walkenbach`s Favorite Excel 2010 Tips and Tricks , you`ll get a jump start on mastering the extensive changes to the 2010 version of Excel.
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