The Student’s Guide to Research Ethics, 2nd Edition (Open Up Study Skills) 电子书下载
"The book thoroughly examines the broader ethical issues that arise throughout research, from the design stage through to data collection and analysis. It also investigates topical issues such as consent, confidentiality and ethical questions in the dissemination of research. There are also discussions of ethical theories as well as case studies that highlight dilemmas and how they can be avoided or resolved." "The Student`s Guide to Research Ethics is an invaluable tool for both undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as professionals who research as part of their jobs"--Jacket. Read more... Ethics and the research process. Introduction: ethics and research -- Research and the respondent: ethical issues before the research commences -- Research and the respondent: ethical issues during the research -- Research and the respondent: ethical issues when data collection has been completed -- Ethical themes. The privacy of respondents, and restrictions on the use of data -- Differences in the research context -- The funding and sponsorship of research -- Ethical concerns when using the internet and technology -- The publication and dissemination of research -- Conclusion: the role of the researcher
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