FRM Part II Book 1: Market risk measurement and management (2013 SchweserNotes) 电子书下载
Kaplan, Inc., 2013. — 244 p. — ISBN 978-1-4277-4468-5Fifth of the eight books set designed to prepare for the GARP FRM Exam (2013 year).ContentsEstimating market risk measuresNon-Parametric approachesModeling Dependence: Correlations and CopulasParametric Approaches (II): Extreme ValueBacktesting VaRVaR MappingVolatility SmilesExotic OptionsThe Science of Term structure modelThe evolution of short rates and the shape of the term structureThe art of term structure models: DriftThe art of term structure models: Volatility and distributionOverview of mortgages and the consumer mortgage marketBasics of residential mortgage-backed securitiesOverview of the mortgage-backed securities marketTechniques for valuing MBSsMessages from the Academic literature on Risk management for the Trading Book
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