Financial Risk Manager Handbook + Test Bank: FRM Part I Part II (Wiley Finance) 电子书下载
The essential reference for financial risk managementFilled with in-depth insights and practical advice, the Financial Risk Manager Handbook is the core text for risk management training programs worldwide. Presented in a clear and consistent fashion, this completely updated Sixth Edition, mirrors recent updates to the new two-level Financial Risk Manager (FRM) exam, and is fully supported by GARP as the trusted way to prepare for the rigorous and renowned FRM certification. This valuable new edition includes an exclusive collection of interactive multiple-choice questions from recent FRM exams.Financial Risk Manager Handbook, Sixth Edition supports candidates studying for the Global Association of Risk Professional`s (GARP) annual FRM exam and prepares you to assess and control risk in today`s rapidly changing financial world. Authored by renowned risk management expert Philippe Jorion, with the full support of GARP, this definitive guide summarizes the core body of knowledge for financial risk managers.Offers valuable insights on managing market, credit, operational, and liquidity riskExamines the importance of structured products, futures, options, and other derivative instrumentsContains new material on extreme value theory, techniques in operational risk management, and corporate risk managementFinancial Risk Manager Handbook is the most comprehensive guide on this subject, and will help you stay current on best practices in this evolving field. The FRM Handbook is the official reference book for GARP`s FRM certification program.
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