Crimson Dawn 电子书下载
Since inheriting Nambina, the property that`s been in her family for generations, Laura Murphy has worked wonders. Rather than just focus on farming she has set up a successful school teaching women the basics of managing a property - from fencing and mustering to handling the financial side of the business.But the notoriously self-reliant Laura is lonely and still scarred by a tragedy from her past. She`s also grappling with the hostility of her nearest neighbour and former best friend, Meghan Hunter. The fact that Laura`s ex-boyfriend Josh is Meghan`s brother only makes things worse.When a solicitor contacts Laura saying his clients may have a claim over Nambina, her entire world is turned upside down, and she has to call on all her determination to hold on to the property she`s worked so hard to build. In the process she realises she must reach out to friends and loved ones or risk losing everything.
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