Without a Doubt 电子书下载
Detective Dave Burrows returns in the most compelling and exciting case of his early career.In Barrabine, as Dave`s workload skyrockets, Melinda, Dave`s wife, is unhappy about being left alone so much to raise their eighteen-month-old daughter, Bec. It`s not how Dave wants it either, but complaints, leads and crimes all have to be investigated - it`s what he joined the force for.Melinda`s interfering father isn`t helping. He`s never thought that Dave was right for his daughter and he`s not shy about telling Dave what he`s doing wrong. When things come to a head at home, Dave`s policing mate, Spencer, comes up with a plan.In the most dangerous mission of his life, Dave knows what he`s risking. If he`s found out, he`ll never see Melinda or Bec again. Of that he`s sure.
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